Man is born free, and everywhere he is in chains. - Jean-Jacques Rousseau
The truth brings no man a fortune. - Jean-Jacques Rousseau
We must powder our wigs; that is why so many poor people have no bread. - Jean-Jacques Rousseau
Liberty is like those solid and tasty foods or those full-bodied wines which are appropriate for nourishing and strengthening robust constitutions that are used to them, but which overpower, ruin and intoxicate the weak and delicate who are not suited for them. - Jean-Jacques Rousseau
She was dull, unattractive, couldn't tell the time, count money or tie her own shoe laces... But I loved her - Jean-Jacques Rousseau
A vontade fala, ainda quando a natureza se cala. - Jean-Jacques Rousseau
More than half of my life is past; I have left only the time I need for turning the rest of it to account and for effacing my errors by my virtues. - Jean-Jacques Rousseau
Everything is good as it comes from the hands of the Maker of the world, but degenerates once it gets into the hands of man - Jean-Jacques Rousseau
Being wealthy isn't just a question of having lots of money. It's a question of what we want. Wealth isn't an absolute, it's relative to desire. Every time we seek something that we can't afford, we can be counted as poor, how much money we may actually have. - Jean-Jacques Rousseau
The world of reality has its limits; the world of imagination is boundless. - Jean-Jacques Rousseau
When I stay in one Place, I can hardly think at all; my body had to be on the move to set my mind going." . - Jean-Jacques Rousseau
Every person has a right to risk their own life for the preservation of it. - Jean-Jacques Rousseau
I hate books; they only teach us to talk about things we know nothing about. - Jean-Jacques Rousseau
Dad dinero, y pronto tendréis cadenas - Jean-Jacques Rousseau
A taste for ostentation is rarely associated in the same souls with a taste for honesty - Jean-Jacques Rousseau
Die Freiheit des Menschen liegt nicht darin, dass er tun kann, was er will, sondern dass er nicht tun muss, was er nicht will. - Jean-Jacques Rousseau
Laws are always useful to those who possess and vexatious to those who have nothing. - Jean-Jacques Rousseau
I perceive God everywhere in His works. I sense Him in me; I see Him all around me. - Jean-Jacques Rousseau
El hombre ha nacido libre y en todas partes se halla encadenado. - Jean-Jacques Rousseau
I prefer liberty with danger than peace with slavery. - Jean-Jacques Rousseau
Liberty is like rich food and strong wine: the strong natures accustomed to them thrive and grow even stronger on them; but they deplete, inebriate and destroy the weak. - Jean-Jacques Rousseau
I say to myself: "Who are you to measure infinite power? - Jean-Jacques Rousseau
El hábito de entrar en mí mismo hizo que perdiera al fin el sentimiento y casi el recuerdo de mis males, aprendí así por mi propia existencia que la fuente de la verdadera felicidad está en nosotros y que no depende de los hombres el hacer realmente miserable a quien sabe querer ser feliz. - Jean-Jacques Rousseau
If there is in this world a well-attested account, it is that of vampires. Nothing is lacking: official reports, affidavits of well-known people, of surgeons, of priests, of magistrates; the judicial proof is most complete. And with all that, who is there who believes in vampires? - Jean-Jacques Rousseau
I am not made like any of those I have seen. I venture to believe that I am not made like any of those who are in existence. If I am not better, at least I am different. - Jean-Jacques Rousseau
A feeble body makes a feeble mind. I do not know what doctors cure us of, but I know this: they infect us with very deadly diseases, cowardice, timidity, credulity, the fear of death. What matter if they make the dead walk, we have no need of corpses; they fail to give us men, and it is men we need. - Jean-Jacques Rousseau
Or, rather, let us be more simple and less vain. - Jean-Jacques Rousseau
People who know little are usually great talkers, while men who know much say little. - Jean-Jacques Rousseau